About Us

Welcome to Maui Yoga Experiences blog. My name is Alison Miller. Here you can take an up close and personal look at life on Maui, yoga philosophy, information on holistic health and learn about techniques in self-healing.My mission is to educate, inspire and empower, individuals and groups, from the inside out, how to awaken the heart and reconnect to the true meaning of life—love.I envision a world where people join together to practice, grow and evolve.

It starts by choosing a lifestyle that includes healthy habits geared toward self-discovery and healing—both for ourselves personally, and the world globally.When we create a life devoted to healing ourselves from the inside out, we become better able to care for each other and our planet. Not only do we realize our potential and power as human beings, but we also bring forth a global awakening that will heal the earth.

In daily life we tend to over-schedule our time, over-spend, eat poorly, and worry about what will happen next in our lives. Many times we are looking for inner change, and we seek some sort of getaway, or a change from the outside, to make us feel better.There are other times in life when we feel at our best—when we tap into who we really are, and feel alive from the inside out.

When was the last time you felt this way?Often when people visit Maui, they say they feel a reconnection to their sense of well-being and remember their own inner peace and power. If you’ve been to the island, you know what it feels like to stand on top of Mount Haleakala above the cloudline watching the sun rise.

You know what it is to stand present at the foot of the Hana waterfalls, feeling the mist on your face.It is my intention, through this blog, to bring you to this feeling of re-connection to yourself, your soul and your well-being. In the comfort of your own home you can have a Maui Yoga Experience.

An experience in which you feel connected to your relaxed and best self.Beyond words there lives a place and a feeling that when touched it is like that of a shooting star moving across the sky… it is so special one only hopes that all their special friends and loved ones were lucky enough to catch the brilliance of this natural wonder.

May these thoughts, words and concepts shine, in your life like a shooting star.Much love and aloha,Alison

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